Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Son Of Satan Antichrist, Who Will Be Possessed By Satan Will Be Judged At Armageddon, When will Satan Be Judged Then?

Will Satan Face God In War, Only On The Judgment Day?

Question: You have Anti Christ every where now, recently I heard someone in South Korea saying, he is the messiah of the world and it is his Second Coming to the earth. Satan is not a Human and he is invisible, he can possess in any one and leave at anytime, so the real war between God and Satan can happen only on Judgement Day. What are you thoughts regarding it?

Answer: Greetings in Jesus mighty name!

Yes there are many antichrists, but they will altogether get added on together in the one Antichrist the son of Satan (1 John 2:18; Gen 3:15; John 5:43), and will out do every one to astonish the whole world with his charisma and will seem to even have solutions to all the problems of the world temporarily (Dan 9:27; 11:36, 39; 1 Thess 5:3), but soon those in the world of the left behind saints will come to realize the insidious and evil intentions of Antichrist to destroy the earth and gain control of it apart from God and humans (Rev 13:4, 5-6, 7-8).

Satan can possess any human only when he finds a place favorable to his stay like in the heart of the unsaved which he can any time posses and get out after doing his whims and fancies (John 8:44), being welcomed by those who lose their will due to fear, ignorance and traditions that they follow (Matt 12:43-45; Heb 2:15; Mark 7:9, 13; 1 Thess 2:13). Satan has already been defeated on the Cross forever and ever by our LORD and SAVIOR Jesus Christ (Col 2:15). But because Satan is still the god of this world, he still works his way up through the fallen unsaved sons of first Adam (2 Cor 4:4; 11:13-14; Eph 2:2; 1 Cor 15:22), he still has iron grip on the world which runs by political, religious and economical power centers of this present world (1 John 5:19; Matt 4:8-9). But a believer can only be oppressed by Satan and cannot be possessed because legally God has already purchased his children through giving His very own life and shedding His blood for them to be redeemed from sin, Satan and death (John 19:30; Rom 8:32; 1 John 5:18; 3:8, 3; Luke 13:16). Because the Church is in the world and not of the world to be Raptured (John 17:11, 14, 16, 18), Satan will be furious once he will be thrown out of Second Heaven at the middle of the Daniel's 70th week (Rev 12:7-12).

The Church will from then on take that spiritual power to rule and influence through Rapture (Rev 12:14; 3:10-11). So Satan at that time onward he will try his best to keep out the Church from taking that Power to rule the world through flooding the Church with filth of evil thoughts, flooding their mind and thus disqualifying them from Rapture to be left behind so that he could kill them through forcing the mark of the Beast to make them martyrs (Rev 13:11-18), but the earth opened its mouth at the appointed time to Rapture the Church through Resurrection (Rev 12:13-17).

Satan will then try his best to kill the rest of the left behind Great Tribulation saints (Rev 12:17), but God will give them a supernatural grace to die as Martyrs and thus become a part of the first physical resurrection which will happen when Jesus and the Church come to the present earth at his Second Coming (Rev 7:9-17). Those who rise up in the first resurrection will live in their physical bodies with Christ and the Church to be priest in the earthly Jerusalem and also reign with him for a thousand years time (Rev 20:6), after which they will all be resurrected in their supernatural body through the final resurrection of all believers at that time which will stay with them eternity (Rev 20:14)! I say Antichrist as the son of Satan because Satan's seed of his full character of Deception will remain in him like no other humans who have been born even since the beginning to up to that time, and also the charisma of an angel of light will be revealed through him through Satan possessing him and giving life in his blood after mortal wounds he will receive after the Abomination of Desolation which will happen mid way of Daniel 70th week (2 Cor 11:13-15; 2 Thess 2:9-12; Dan 11:32; 9:27; 8:23-26; 7:24; Rev 13:3-4). Praise the LORD Jesus!

Yes, both the Antichrist and the false prophet, along with those who worshiped his image will be captured by the armies of heaven which is the Church and will be cast alive in to the lake of fire burning with brimstone (Rev 19:14, 20-21).

Satan has been facing God because he is His rebellious servant who has been going to and fro as a watcher in taking care of all the earth and has been reporting to God since the creation of it (Job 38:6-7, 33; 1:6-12; 2:1-10). Satan is no match even for a moment of time, before the infinite power of God! Satan can never make war with God directly and he knows it very well. So always Satan fights with the representatives of God both in heavens and on earth, be it angels or saints because of his rebellious and sadistic attitude of pride and self. Satan will face the Church in judgment just before the White Throne judgment takes place in the outer space between the old heaven and old earth in which all of them will be judged and be sent to their eternal destination of the lake of fire where already Antichrist and the False Prophet along with his followers who received the mark of the beast would have been in torment for a thousand years time, and this torment in the lake of fire will continue like this for eternity ahead (Matt 25:41, 46; John 12:31-32; Eph 1:18-20, 21-22, 23; 1 Cor 6:2-3; Rom 16:20).

But Satan ultimately at Christ's Second Coming will be imprisoned for a thousand years time and at the end of it, he will be released for a short while which will make the unsaved Gog and Magog nations around the world to be mobilized and make them come to surround the camp of the saints in Jerusalem from where the Lord Jesus Christ had been ruling for a thousand years time with a rod of iron as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev 20:1-3, 7-10). But fire and brimstone from heaven will come and fall upon the whole earth to melt and make the rebellion in to gas (Rev 20:9; 2 Peter 3:10-13). Then the Church will judge the fallen angels and Satan before the white throne judgment and will send all of them in to hell fire eternally (1 Cor 6:2-3). Hallelujah!

Much Blessings....


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Monday, April 15, 2024

Main Difference Between Rome And Jerusalem In The Book Of Revelation?

Did Peter Write His Letter From Jerusalem Or Rome To The Scattered Believers, And Called That Place From Which He Wrote As Babylon?

Question: What is the difference between Jerusalem and Rome in the light of the Book of Revelation? 1 Peter was written while Peter was in Jerusalem at a time when Jerusalem was considered “Babylon” (1 Peter 5:13). Is not Jerusalem the Babylon that the apostles taught? What do you think regarding it?

Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!

The apostles used coded language of the Bible to describe their present political authority who were over them, and at the same time make Believers aware of the present prophecy of God that is being fulfilled by the beast government of that time which is Rome.

Since Peter the apostle was martyred at Rome during the persecution of Nero between A.D. 64 and 67, it was supposed that the letter was written from Rome shortly before his death. This is supported by its reference to “Babylon” (1 Pt 5:13), a code name among the apostles and their followers for Rome in the early church.

John the revelatory apostle, called Rome as the political beast and religious harlot of his time as a
"woman sitting on a scarlet beast...having seven heads...and ten horns" through signifying it (Rev 17:10, 18, 3; 1:1), and Jerusalem as the "(godless materialistic religious (Ezek 16:49-50)) Sodom and (political (Exo 5:2)) Egypt" of the end time world (Rev 17:7, 4-5, 11, 12, 14; 11:8).

The political Babylon with its headquarters will be Jerusalem, as the Book of Revelation calls Rome as "that Great City" (Rev 14:8; 17:18; 18:10), but calls Jerusalem as "the Great City" (Rev 16:19; 11:8) and Jerusalem was called by Jesus Himself as the beloved "city of the Great King" which is a subtle difference that need to be noted in order for us to understand it correctly (Matt 5:35).

Another subtle difference in the Book of Revelation that John the Revelatory apostle reveals is that, while the religious super power of the end time will be Rome in which the Roman Catholic church as the harlot entity operates, and is called 'MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF TH EARTH (Rev 17:5)Jerusalem which is the end time superpower and the political capital city of the end time world, it is called as "GREAT BABYLON" because it is the beast entity in which the Antichrist will set up a worldwide government from it (Rev 16:19).

The two cities of Rome and Jerusalem will be the only two cities which will compete with each other at the end time, because one is chosen by God for Himself before the foundation of the world, but the other has been chosen by Satan to be a counterfeit to the true religious system of God. Why Jerusalem by Antichrist? Because once the Church, the true woman and the Body of Christ is taken up in Rapture (Rev 12:14-17), the one and only thing next that Satan and his demons who will thrown out of heaven to the earth at that mid point time of Daniel 70th week can do is (Rev 12:7-9), occupy the beloved city of God and infuriate God because He has claimed it as His own (Matt 5:35; 2 Chr 6:6; Zec 3:2). God will claim back Jerusalem His beloved city, and the capital of the whole earth when He comes to the mount of Olives in Christ Jesus to rule and reign over this present earth for a thousand years time at His Second Coming (Zec 14:1-4, 5-6, 7-9), in which Satan will be put in prison and the Antichrist and his False Prophet will be the first to occupy the lake of fire even at the beginning of the Millennial reign (Rev 19:11-16, 19-21)! GLORY TO GOD!

Much Blessings....


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Friday, April 12, 2024

RE: More On The Great Babylon Of United States Of America

Is Babylon The Great, The Mother Of All Religious Harlot?

Question: So you take one item from the list cinnamon and declare USA as Babylon?

Here are few items,

Gold - Switzerland is the top importer of gold,

Silver - China is top importer of silver,

Precious stones - China is top importer of precious stones,

Pearls - India is top importer of pearls,

Linen - US is top importer of linens,

Silk - India is top importer of silk,

Citron - UK is top importer of Citron,

Ivory -China is top importer of Ivory,

Iron - China is top importer of Iron,

Marble - China is top importer of Marble,

Cinnamon - US is top importer of Cinnamon,

Incense - China is top importer of Incense,

Wine - US is top importer of Wine,

Wheat - China is top importer of Wheat,

Cattle - China is top importer of Cattle.

So you see China appears lot more than US in the list. China more fits with Babylon if you take that criteria. China is also anti-christian country.

I am hearing all these from child hood. Some were claiming Pope is antichrist, they still claim it. One pope is dead and other is retired and still we have not seen Antichrist yet.

It is all because we do a selective application of what is written in the Word. Same with Pharmaceutical industry, most of the medicine comes to US, is manufactured in China. China is the biggest supplier of medicines. So the facts are clearly wrong in your article.

Also US is not exporter of sin. US is actually shining light on what kind of sins world is engaging in. More than 24% of US population is born-again Christians. That is the highest number of born again Christians in any country. US sends out and supports highest number of missionaries around the world.

It is neither Vatican, nor America. It is John Calvin, who was kicked out by RC church, started spreading that Pope is Antichrist and Vatican is evil. An angry guy who didn't like him being kicked out, took out his anger on Vatican.

Since then people are being deceived with the notion that Pope is antichrist and Vatican is harlot has circulated. Harlot is one who makes people worship other gods. Vatican is not doing it. They simply have error of judgement on what salvation is and how to get saved but they are sincerely trying to worship Jesus. There are genuine believers and even priests in RC who are saved.

Answer: Greetings to you in Jesus Wonderful and Glorious name!

It is not just the items, but the prophetic outlook has a significance of the end time Biblical narrative we see from the Bible, where the European Union will rise and USA will make way for its establishment (Dan 9:26-27; Rev 17:11).

That is what is happening, when TRUMP makes will hasten and we will see it without very own eyes.

In 2022, the European Union (EU) had a GDP of $16.6 trillion, while China had a GDP of $19 trillion. The United States' GDP was $26 trillion, making it the only country with a larger GDP than the EU and China. EU IS CATCHING UP, BUT WILL SUDDENLY SURGE THROUGH WHEN THE RIPE TIME OF ANTICHRIST COMES!

CHINA WILL COME UNDER THE KINGS OF THE EAST FROM THE BOOK OF REVELATION, that is also happening before our very eyes as you suggest it (Rev 16:12)!!!

America is the Great Babylon, the world superpower system of governance. But the, Babylon the Great is the headquarters City and a harlot which has seated itself in every corner of the globe, and is not America.....but rather is Vatican (Rev 18:1-24). Find the subtle difference. The God who told his people to come out of this harlot church for an individual relationship with Him (Rev 18:4; 3:14-22), when it falls around the mid point of the Daniel 70th week before the Rapture takes place and the Great Tribulation starts, God tells the true Church of His to rejoice (Rev 18:20, 23, 24), and not "weep and lament" for her like the kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived in luxury with her, when they see the smoke of her burning when the judgment has come to her in the appointed time of God (Rev 18:9).

We even can see that, Antichrist himself has a catholic upbringing which he deserts it around the middle of Daniel 70th week (Dan 11:37). Instead will embrace the god of the fortresses who is foreign god to him, which is actually a god of military conquest of world rulership through deceit, the Allah of the Mecca and Medina who claim the Dome of the Rock as theirs when they do not even have a iota of evidence for it, but there exist a ton of historical artifacts and evidence for the ownership from the Jews to whom it belongs (Dan 11:38-39).

The Antichrist will advance the glory of Allah, and he shall cause the Muslims to rule over many and act against the strongest fortresses of the western powers of America, Israel and the like with a foreign god of the military power, and as a result divide the land of Israel for a gain to himself and make a name for himself in all the world like never before.

Take the history of atrocities the Pope and Vatican had done against the true Church of Jesus Christ. It is innumerable... YES I agree that there are some true believers inside it, that is why God has called such people of His to come out of it before it will be judged at the middle of Daniel 70th week for the Great Tribulation to begin thereafter. Martin Luther who was the first one to pioneer this great Protestant movement declared clearly at that time itself under the inspiration of the Spirit, that Vatican Roman Catholic is the MOTHER OF ALL HARLOTS. So nothing has changed until now, the judgment of the Lord will come sooner than later. Pope is not Antichrist, but is working with that spirit that operates in him. Vatican is just the headquarters City of Roman Catholic church for the past two thousand years time. America is the political beast of the 7th super power that rule the earth, and the harlot Roman Catholic church is riding on it.

John Calvin, Tyndale, was just one of the many many men and women of God who were tortured and many who were burned and martyred. Regarding an angry guy who was kicked out and taking his anger on Vatican is a lie but it is God Himself who tells his saints to rejoice when the downfall of the harlot Roman Catholic Church is suddenly destroyed, those who are persevering in faith without taking any vengeance but allowing God to judge in his time are not just one but millions of Protestant Christians for nearly two Millenniums which has become the Greatest force of today's faith movement. 

"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord" is a verse from the Bible, Romans 12:19. The verse continues, "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God". The verse means that people should not take revenge, but instead leave room for God's wrath. This is what the saints of all time has acted in their way of faith with patience and perseverance in the midst of great persecution and martyrdom towards the mother of harlots, Babylon the Great, the unholy and religious roman catholic church. It is not about the numbers strength that I am talking about, but rather about the true faith they carry within. American Evangelicals are just one of them. There have been millions and millions of saints who have lived in faith all these past two thousand years, facing the persecution and even martyrdom of the harlot church. 

Yes since the time of 3rd century A.D. in which Constantine the Roman Emperor embraced the Christian religion, the Faith of Christians were used by the Romans to establish their world wide control over people to keep them from rebellion and insurrection against them, this harlot entity has deceived the world and it's people. Today the harlot church of Roman Catholic Religion stands on the whole wide world in all nations as the one single biggest institution and the most powerful religious body to influence the kings of the earth to trade with it and ride on them for its own whims and fancies. The true righteous Church of Jesus Christ is not a religion, but lives by faith and faith alone in the Word of God and in true fellowship with God's people, and relationship with God through Jesus Christ our LORD and SAVIOR. HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO GOD! 

5 Clear-cut Reasons Why The Catholic Church Is The Mother Of All Harlots?

1) THE FALSE PEACE CREATING MOTHER OF RELIGIOUS HARLOTS: The Catholic Church is the mother of all religious harlots first of all, because it is the agent of the one world religion that it is pioneering before our very eyes in our times. This characteristics that has been hidden for so long has become a open boasting of the harlot church now. The so called ecumenical unity is from the pit of hell fire and will take them all to destruction and shame at the end. God doesn't want people to believe and have unity at the cost of the truth, when truth is mixed with lies it become a religion of man's making (John 8:32). Jesus saves people only when they accept themselves as sinners and come before God in humility to save them from sin by seeking a holy relationship with Him for eternity ahead (John 8:34, 36).

2) LOCATION OF THIS WOMAN HAS NOT CHANGED: Two location identity of the Vatican Roman Catholic Church are very important to locate it. The WOMAN SITS ON OVER THE WORLD WIDE LOCATION OF PEOPLE (Rev 17:15). Because it was founded in Rome Empire, and Constantine became a Christian and sought the support of the whole Church by making Christianity the religion of Rome, they both mixed and Pope became the head of the religious woman who drove or rode on the Roman beast to keep its power intact. Thus the beast itself helped the woman to get spread in the whole wide world to keep the people as subjects of theirs and make people of all nations live without insurrection (Rev 17:3, 7). God reveals the wisdom to identify the woman by pointing to the location, which is the SEVEN MOUNTAINS on which the WOMAN SITS WITH ITS HEAD, the seven mountains is the exact location till today that the city of Vatican which is the official smallest country in the world, that rules the world through Pope, is situated (Rev 17:9). Remember, Rome itself was built on the seven hills, out of which Vatican came out.

3) THE KILLING VAMPIRE SERPENT: For the last two thousand years time, the Roman Catholic church as the serpent deceived Eve in the beginning (2 Cor 11:3), has deceived true believers the most and persecuted the most and have killed the most of the true believers of Jesus Christ. As we see John the Revelator say in his own words, "I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." (Rev 17:6). When God showed this woman in the vision, John marveled with "great amazement", because it looked very much like the woman which is the people of God, but was the harlot which clearly mixed itself with the lies of the power and luxury of the beast of Rome even until today.

4) THE HARLOT AND NOT THE BRIDE: Because the Church of Jesus Christ is holy (1 Cor 3:16-17; Eph 2:21-22), and the Bride of Christ is called to stay separated from the world system of governance as a chaste virgin till the coming of the Lord for it to honor the Bridegroom, so that when He comes to take it to its home of new heaven and new earth He has prepared for it, at that time He will felicitate the Bride in His Father's House with glorious eternal Jewelries after He raises them with a glorious body through Rapture (2 Cor 11:2; Eph 5:22-23, 25-27, 28-29, 30-33; Heb 9:28; Col 3:24; Eph 1:14). The Roman Catholic Church being the religious harlot she is because of promoting all the law-breaking things of idolatry and traditions and blasphemies of sacrilegious magnitude (Rev 18:23), it is never the Church which is in organic relationship with Christ himself through His Word and Spirit (John 17:17; Eph 5:26-27; Tit 3:5)

5) THE GREAT CITY BABYLON : The religious harlot of the catholic church, is clearly defined as "the great city Babylon" (Rev 18:21) in the Book of Revelation, thus the city of Rome has kept Vatican as the religious headquarters of the entire system of this religion worldwide for the past two thousand years time. Nothing has changed in its identity except people who have forgotten in our generation who the mystery, Babylon the Great is.

According to the Scofield Reference Bible, the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, ..... The 1545 edition of Luther's Bible also includes an image of the Whore wearing the papal tiara.

On the Babylon Captivity of the Church, Martin Luther criticized the papacy for "leading believers into a new captivity". He also said that believers are saved through faith, which is a gift from the God who is the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The website wrote the following, "Some anti-Catholics claim the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18. Dave Hunt, in his 1994 book, A Woman Rides the Beast, presents nine arguments to try to prove this. His claims are a useful summary of those commonly used by Fundamentalists, and an examination of them shows why they don’t work."

The Roman Catholics again and again want to keep the mystery of the Babylon the Great as usual as a hidden identity, and so they want to prove any one who proves it as that which will not work. Why are they fearful if there is no truth in the fundamentalist and protestant doctrine of faith, only by faith and only through Christ and only through His Word, which points to the Catholic Church as the harlot of the Book of Revelation? Why are they so afraid of "Sola scriptura" which is a Latin phrase that translates to "by Scripture alone". It is a Christian theological doctrine that states that the Bible is the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice. The written Word of God is the very truth to follow to be saved and go to heaven to be with the Lord!

Dave Hunt proved the Roman Catholic church as the Mystery, BABYLON THE GREAT by his 9 points, #1: Seven Hills, #2: “Babylon”—What’s in a Name?, #3: Commits Fornication, #4: Clothed in Purple and Red, #5: Possesses Great Wealth, #6: A Golden Cup, #7: The Mother of Harlots, #8: Sheds the Blood of Saints and #9: Reigns over Kings. In all these above points, there is nothing to fear if the catholic church is not a religion, but a relationship with God!

The luxury of the Roman beast has always been controlled and shared by this harlot woman of the Catholic Church, and is the single biggest institution under the one world headship of Pope in all the world. Pope claims to be the living Christ to this Roman catholic church. So that the real Christ Jesus is not the Lord and Savior of this harlot church, but they who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ come out of it and get connected to God through the living Scriptures of the Bible and fellowship with the saints of the organic Church of the Sola Scriptura, which is the one and only practice of faith through hearing Scripture Alone as the one and only demand by God that saves and keeps souls for eternal salvation by faith (Rom 10:17; Eph 2:8-9, 10; Gal 3:1-3, 11-12)!

The Mother Of Harlot, the Catholic Church, is moving toward forming and running a one world religion of peace in the first three and half years of Daniel 70th week, which is ahead of us, coming very soon before us. So do not be deceived by this great harlot of the catholic church which is a bogus and not the real one. If you are in it, come out and start to live by reading the Bible and practicing it by faith and praying directly to God calling Him as "Father", and ending and appealing in faith in the name of Jesus to say "Amen" for the Glory of God to live saved, and freely enter in to heaven to be with God for eternity ahead!

Woe, woe and woe to the mother of all harlots, repent and come out of it dear people of God with true faith of Jesus Christ, before it is too late! May God has mercy and grace upon His Israel of God the true Church and not the harlot which is to be judged soon!

Much Blessings...


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Monday, April 8, 2024

RE: More On Mystery Babylon!

Will Mystery Babylon Will Fall Before The 7 Bowls Of Wrath?

Question: Will Mystery Babylon fall before the 7 bowls of wrath? Will it fall in just one hour with smoke rising... sounds like nukes. It is written several countries conspire this attack. I think because they couldn't get the US to conform away from its independent power and join the new world order, they decide to eliminate her. But that only becomes possible because God has lifted his hand of protection.

But then those that remain in the world will soon face the wrath of God... the most horrible suffering to hit humanity world wide. I feel the fall of mystery Babylon will be the third woe, so it is last event before the wrath to follow. I place it as 3rd woe because as you read of its fall, it states woe woe woe... in some of the verses along the way.

Will the fall of Mystery Babylon of One World Religion will cause the merchant's of the world to cry out, who will buy our goods now?

What is your take on it?

Answer: Praise the Lord! Greetings in JESUS CHRIST'S Holy Name!

First of all Mystery Babylon the Great is not a beast or political superpower, but rather it is a harlot, meaning, it is a religious superpower of the end time. America is THE GREAT BABYLON of the 7th BEAST superpower of the end times. But the Roman Catholic church has been the MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT of the end times, because it stood against the Church of Jesus Christ and have been the harlot it has been from the start. It rode upon the ROMAN BEAST for the past two thousand years time, thus the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH is THE RELIGIOUS SUPERPOWER. While the Roman beast of political America is present in our generation, the harlot which is the riding on it is the Roman Catholic Church which is the religious power which sits in the whole wide world and especially upon America (Rev 17:15).     

One hour is a figure of speech that describes an appointed time or period of time that can be seen as an event, and not a multiple event that happens over a period of time. Babylon the Great is a mystery that will be hated by both the Antichrist from the European Union and False prophet from the nation of Israel (Rev 13:1, 11), because when God gives them the power over the whole world for a time times and half a time, that is three and half years time, the first target for them to destroy will be the one world religion who is the harlot riding on the beast government of Antichrist. Without destroying the one world religion halfway through, Antichrist will not be able to declare himself as God in the flesh to seat himself in the temple (2 Thess 2:3-4).

Also if the one world religion still remains, it will not allow the False prophet from the nation of Israel to do a statue of the beast in the holy of holies and make the people of the whole wide world to worship it (Rev 13:14), and as a sign of it seal them with 666 mark of the beast, which is their control individually over all the persons living on the face of the earth (Rev 13:16). The seal might be a micro-chip or even a literal seal of silicon tattoo, it is the individual identification of each living person on planet earth, the number of his name that no one could buy or sell without out the mark of the Beast on their right hand or forehead (Rev 13:17-18). The bowls of Wrath are the final Wrath Of God against the Kingdom of Antichrist before Armageddon takes place (Rev 16:1, 2), after which the armies of Heaven which is the Church and Jesus Christ will defeat the Antichrist and his armies in plain of Megiddo at Armageddon (Rev 19:11, 14-15, 16, 19, 20-21).

The bottom line is that the Mystery Babylon of Roman Catholicism is the Mother of all Harlots, the religious Power of Catholicism that will pioneer the one world religion in a short period of time in the first three and half years of Daniel 70th week, and will suddenly be no more as it reaches halfway through the same Daniel 70th week. Glory to God!

Much Blessings....


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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Is America (USA) The Mystery Babylon Of The End Times?

Can Immigration, Destruction Of Business And Child Trafficking Be The Signs To Point America As The Great Mystery Babylon?

Question: Is America (USA) the Mystery Babylon of the end times? Can immigration, destruction of business and child trafficking be the signs to point America as the Great Mystery Babylon (Jeremiah 51:2; Isaiah 21:2)?

Read Revelation Chapter 18 for the characteristics of Mystery Babylon. Top importer of vehicles (chariots) and a strange one to me ... that it was mentioned... a top importer of Cinnamon? I don't know why that made the list, but look it up and see who buys the most. Not to mention imports overall being what causes the shipping trade to mourn asking, where will they deliver their goods now? What country spends the highest amount for imports?

The U.S. holds the world's admiration for luxury lifestyle, the world receives its music, movies and porn from the U.S., also the pharmaceutical industry and commercial food industry which rob the world of its health... the world is deceived by the US.

Has not America, had influenced the world to openly sin against God?

What is the wine of her immorality if she is not America? Is America using sanctions to FORCE other countries to accept what America considers to be a acceptable lifestyle? What about Hollywood as a tool of America to spread its lifestyle (2 Kings 17:41)?

Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!

America is a beast and not a harlot. Beast is political, harlot is religious. The harlot rides the Beast. Not vice-versa according to the word of God (Rev 17:3, 7).

The kings of the earth who are beast which Includes America, committed adultery with the mystery harlot religion. Therefore the harlot rides the Beast, the reason for Army of the beast to support its economic activity until then to protect its own interest. The mystery of the harlotry of the Catholicism is that it rides on the beast that is Roman influenced, first the British and now it is the one and only America which continues to this day. Even the Antichrist is called the people of the prince who is to come, which is from Rome. America in itself is a beast of the Roman, that is why it was never mentioned even once in the Bible apart from the Roman Empire.

We must understand that there is a intertwined power of Roman beast and Catholic harlot religion in European Union.

Some people say in a lighter sense that comparing to America, What percent of goods are the Roman Catholics and European union purchasing?

To that I say, What percentage of goods depends upon the economic activity at that time of the rise of Antichrist. Remember the great GDP of America the one and only super power of the last 70 years, it has to go down, and mysteriously the GDP OF EU has to shoot up above that for it to remain the end time Beast. So for that reason the Antichrist will wave a magic wand and make the world accept itself as the one and only alternative for Evangelical USA which all will hate because of doing the work of promoting that same harlotry. Another point of note will be, it will no more be a NATO ARMY but rather the EUROPEAN UNION ARMY that will boast of it's military power...yet it is by deceitful maneuvering of its army by its technological brilliance. All can happen through AI Artificial Intelligence in a few years time, when God aligns it for His Glory and purpose to be fulfilled.

If the dollar fails and falls, it will be a free fall from can happen in a moment of time especially when many nations wants to see its downfall. So let's WATCH AND PRAY!


Immigration, destruction Of Business And Child trafficking can be one of the signs that point to America's downfall in the end time before the Rapture happens, but it cannot be the sign that can clearly point to America As The Great Mystery Babylon. As we have already discussed, USA is a beast and not a harlot, which is the Roman Catholic Church according to the word of God
(Rev 17:5, 11, 15). America is the seventh super power of the end times beast, that precedes the eight, which is the Antichrist's Revived Roman empire of the European Union, when it comes in full force for the last seven years of the Daniel 70th Week (Rev 17:12).

Here are the verses that reveals the wisdom of God regarding the end time, Rev 17:9-14 - " 9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition. 12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

Satan substituted and formed the first official religion in Babel, which was so powerful that God scattered it in to all the world. So the influence of the Satan's bride of worldwide religious woman upon whom all the kings of the earth committed adultery from the beginning cannot be separated, this is seen openly from the time of the Romans who mixed clearly the Christian religion with their own political network to control and keep its citizens in check to prevent uprising through it. So the Roman Catholic Church was the recipient of this woman's power since religion and politics mixed through Constantine the Great, who was a Roman emperor from AD 306 to 337, and the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity. At this time, the woman comfortably began to sit on the seven mountains of Rome, making it a religious pilgrimage center and the capital of the whole religious world by its political power that was worldwide. Thus Catholic of the 1st century became the Roman Catholic of the 300th A.D. and have ever since continued even today, and the end time has come to reveal the mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of all Harlots ((i.e.) all religions) to the world, it is by the Church that has come out of it to practice the truth of salvation by grace through faith and only by Christ, whom the Lord calls as "My People" who are already revealing which is the true Church of Jesus Christ, which is "pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Tim 3:15; Rev 17:5). Even now the religious woman who has become a harlot namesake christian church from that time when it got mixed and remains the same harlot where it sits on the waters of the "peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues" (Rev 17:15), in other words, it is the whole wide world we are living in today that has been the sitting place of that harlot church.


The Seven Kings are the seven super power of the world according to God who has ruled the world since the beginning, God has revealed the four super power in the book of Daniel itself, which is Kingdom of Babylon the first, Medes and Persian Kingdom the second, Greek Kingdom the third and Roman Kingdom that is the fourth and then a democratic American superpower which is of Roman influence will make way and prepare for the final empire of the whole world, which will have the influence of the all four previous super powers, which will be the one and only Kingdom of the Antichrist beast superpower of the end time world (Dan 2:36-45).

Before Babylon there were two heads of the world which were Egypt and Assyria that ruled the world of its times in the past. So counting the world heads, (1) Egypt, (2) Assyria (3) Babylon (4) Medes and Persia (5) Greek, (6) Roman and (7) United States Of America of revived Rome (USA) and finally the (8) The European Union under the direct influence and power of USA initially have become what it is now, only next to USA in its collective political power, which will come out as the most powerful army ever, even more than the United States Of America that supported it to become what it becomes in the final 7 years and especially the 3 and half years of the Daniel 70th week in which the Antichrist and the False Prophet will rule the world with a iron hand of Great Tribulation. When John wrote the Book of Revelation he said, five have already fallen Kingdom 1 to 5th, one is [the ruling Roman Empire of his times] 6th THE ROMAN EMPIRE and we know the 7th which arose at the time of the Second world war which is USA, the United States Of America (the mix of iron hand ruler ship and people's clay vote (Dan 2:41-43), the democracy pioneer in all the world even up to the time of the 8th Kingdom of Antichrist).


The whole world will be divided in to ten zones with a King over each one, given authority by the Roman influenced United States of American Kingdom that runs its promoter UNITED NATIONS
(UN). USA which is of the fourth beast will give its democratic authority to its representative over each zone in all the world (Dan 2:44; 7:7, 24; Rev 17:12). These ten kings who received no kingdom as yet, but received representative authority to rule their province, will of one mind will give their power and authority back to the eighth kingdom beast who will arise out of European Union. This one man will rise up from insignificance but will subdue three kings and will be totally different from all others in his charisma and flattery (Dan 7:8; 11:32), he shall not value his Christian genealogy of his fathers but will honor a god of the fortresses, which he shall honor with gold and silver and precious stones and pleasant things to acknowledge and advance its glory, and will cause the people who follow this god of the fortress [a Islamic & Muslim god] to rule over many and even divide the land of Israel for gain and profit (Dan 11:29-39; Joel 3:2; 1 John 2:18-23; 4:1, 3, 6).

As for the Antichrist (“little horn”) uprooting three horns of the ten-horned kingdom/beast of the world rulers, which represents the worldwide Roman Empire under the final one world government. This suggests that the ten-kingdom final form of the Roman Empire driven through the democratic United States government will already be in place before Antichrist appears and makes his move to dominate and make it one world government, with one world leader in the final three and half years of the Daniel 70th week (Dan 12:1-13; 9:27). The final world war that will erupt from this effort will produce the effects pictured by the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in their first half of Daniel 70th week (Rev. 6:1-8). And the effect of the power of the holy people being completely shattered will happen in the second half of the Daniel 70th week, after which only Christ will be able to rescue the nation of Israel from the hand of Antichrist to them rule from Jerusalem for a thousand years time. Hallelujah!

Even though they will all give their power to the beast to rule the world, when they all gather together to fight against Christ in Armageddon, they will all come united representing all the nations for the battle of all battles, the final war of Antichrist with Christ and the Church. The army of the Antichrist and the false prophet who come against the Lord Jesus and the Church believing the strength of the arms of their own flesh, will be no match for Jesus C
hrist and the Church who will be the meta-physical army that will be so powerful, that a breath out of the mouth of Jesus saying just a word will totally eradicate and defeat the whole army of Antichrst on the spot.

Now that America is recruiting all the nations of the world and is looking to divide the world in to ten Kingdom Zones (Group of Ten richest and the most powerful nations in the world will be G10, G-7 will become upgraded with three other members who will be subdued later), we can also call it the Great Babylon of the end which controls all the religious, political and economical power of the whole wide world (Rev 16:19), but the harlot of the mystery Babylon will be the Roman catholic church and there is no change at all in it (Rev 17:5, 18:4).


Regarding the demise of America and the destruction of it, I cannot say it will happen because out of the seventh world power, will the eighth world power of the European Union and Antichrist will come powerfully in a very very short time period because Satan himself will possess and give his power and authority to Antichrist and False prophet
(Rev 13:1-2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14, 15; 16:13-14), this world super beast of Antichrist with authority and power is going to perdition after the appointed three and half years, and so with it the age of Satan will end forever and ever, as both of them will all be thrown as the first two eternal occupants in the lake of fire and torment out of which they cannot come out (Rev 17:8, 11; 19:20; 20:10)

So already the NATO accords made in Washington will stand to the end of the Armageddon, to defend its allies. If one ally is touched either in Europe or North America, individually or collectively all others allies in the NATO will attack the enemy and bring an end to the opposing force. In other words, the Great Babylon of America under the strong influence of Satan's spiritual kingdom from heaven will shift its base from America to Europe as they will be thrown down from heaven to the earth at mid point of Daniel 70th week (Rev 12:7-9, 12, 13, 17)

What will happen to America, it will decline in its power suddenly and European Union will suddenly become a world power, and that too the most powerful of it all since the beginning of creation of all things and humans by God. Who knows? By the prayers of true evangelical protestants, America might start to repent before God like never before, for God to preserve it from destruction at the end (2 Chron 7:14). America's worldwide power coming to a standstill, halt and impasse before the European Union is in itself, is a great judgment from the Lord! To understand specifically, the first world power to the eight world power under the influence of Satan the god of this world it has run (Heb 2:5; Dan 7:26, 27), together collectively it is the establishment, fruition and the zenith of THE GREAT BABYLON that gets fulfilled by the worldly wisdom, desire and power of Satan even to the end, truly the end of this age of Satan and the beginning of the new age under Jesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the saints, the people of God (Matt 4:8-9; Luke 4:5-6; Matt 28:20; Luke 12:56; Gal 1:4; Eph 6:12; 1 John 2:15; 5:19; Rev 19:16). Hallelujah!    

But still Satan remains the god of this world until Jesus and the Church comes to defeat his possessed agents the Antichrist and False Prophet who have formed a unholy trinity during this second half of the Daniel's 70th week and puts him in prison through a angel for a thousand years time (2 Cor 4:4; Rev 12:9; 19:11,14, 19-21; 20:1-3; Rev 16:13, 14, 16).  

As for the Great Babylon, United States of America fits exactly and it is without doubt, yes, this country spends the highest amount for imports, holds the world's admiration for luxury lifestyle, the world receives its music, movies and porn from the U.S., also the pharmaceutical industry and commercial food industry which rob the world of its health... the world is deceived by the US.

Yes, America, had influenced the world to openly sin against God, LGBT rights, porn, same sex marriage, etc... because the mother of all harlots, the catholic church holds its sway in the senate and even the present President who rules it now is their ardent devotee.

A very BIG YES I SAY to the following question, Is America using sanctions to FORCE other countries to accept what America considers to be a acceptable lifestyle?

What about Hollywood as a tool of America to spread its lifestyle (2 Kings 17:41)?

America is using the internet and Hollywood to promote the wine of her immorality to all the world under it.

May our dear Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us all, and give us grace enough to help us overcome the one world of Satan that is being filled by immorality all over the world that we cannot even breathe in independence without its influence over us in a negative way.


Much Blessings....


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